Speaker and moderator

I’m a public speaker on economics, personal finance and business topics.

Since I’ve won awards for hosting lively discussion programmes, I can offer those moderating skills for conference panels, round-tables and presentation. Some examples:

Nov 2021 – Chaired Sunday Times Wealth Management Summit in London

Chaired debate at Chatham House on ‘The Economics of Migration’


Speaker at Battle of Ideas on ‘Blockchain – What’s the fuss about?’


Speaker at the Battle of Ideas on ‘The Sharing Economy’

and : ‘Who wants to be a Professional?’ at the same Battle of Ideas.

Speaker at The City of London Festival

City of London Festival debate


Speaker at an IPSOS MORI debate about financial literacy at Kings College London.

Ipsos Mori debate

Moderator at FiReX, (FUTURE IN REVIEW conference) Laguna Beach California

On stage hosting debates between speakers about technology and innovation,  in front of a large international  audience.

Debate at the University of London Union on the BRICS countries, for the Institute of Commonwealth Journalists

Moderator at a House of Commons debate for MPs and peers on Food Security, for Chatham House

Chatham House Food Security debate in House of Commons

Moderator at a BBC debate in the House of Commons on ‘Building the National Brand While Cutting the National Budget’

Moderator at an evening debate at the Bishopsgate Institute in the City of London on World Trade

